4 Beds. Nearby homes similar to 4875 E Cloud Nine Dr have recently sold between $40K to $517K at an average of $180 per square foot. 86 days. 43. Tiny houses on mobile chassis are considered trailers and are only permitted in the following zones: RH, GR-1, SH, MU, CMH1, CMH2 and IR. Pima County Zoning Code Quick Summary Guide. Ft. 070 Exceptions: Disclaimer: This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that. § 18. Build your dream home right here among the Arizona mountains, with stunning views of Mica Mountain and Mt Lemmon. 18. 18. Ft. 19. 18. Pima County: Code of Ordinances: Title 18. 060 Development standards—Accessory buildings and accessory structures. Chapter 18. 13. Planned Land Use Maps. 2762 W Mossman Rd, Tucson, AZ 85746. 19. 020 Conditional uses. Online Submittals. 21 CR-1 SINGLE RESIDENCE ZONE. Nearby homes similar to 1529 N Blazing Saddle Rd have recently sold between $349K to $767K at an average of $245 per square foot. 4405 W. 18. 18. 2,760 Sq. 18. 060 Development standards—Detached accessory buildings. 18 SR-2 SUBURBAN. Pima County. 18. 21. Ft. Pima County Code: CR-1 (Click to read the document. 020 Permitted uses. Locally, Pima County Zoning Code permits pre‐1976 MH for residential use in a number of zones (IR, RH, GR‐1, SH, TH, CMH‐1, CMH‐2, MU), on individual lots and in MH parks. 14. ML MOUNT LEMMON ZONE. 07. Pima County approves re-zoning request for apartments. 5025 N Via Roma #28, Tucson, AZ 85745 is currently not for sale. 175. 18. 45. In Section 27 N. Previously, Thomas was a Design Review Committee Member at The Development Services Department. 14. GR-1 RURAL RESIDENTIAL ZONE, Title 18. Pima County, AZ Code of Ordinances Chapter 18. Pima County Code: GR-1. Disclaimer: This Code of Ordinances and/or any other. ZONING. Title 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS. The house can be partially or entirely built on-site or off-site. This is a Pima County Zoning code quick reference summary. Thomas Drzazgowski's Phone Number and Email. Our purpose is to safeguard life, limb, health, property and the public welfare through plan reviews and inspections of buildings and structures as required by our County Code. 14. 18. 18. Application: In RH and GR-1 zones, a property owner may apply for a permit to allow a secondary dwelling for the use of an ill, handicapped, or elderly person in need of special care or supervision, or a care provider for such person, if the ill, handicapped or elderly person is the owner or resident of the main dwelling or a relative of the owner or resident of the main dwelling. Use Zoneomics, to search for real estate records and find the precise property data you need. ZONING, Code of Ordinances, Pima County. Chapter 18. Meeting Summary . Pima County: Code of Ordinances: Title 18. Chapter 18. 18. Zoning - Pima County, File name: zonecnty. 18. 010 Purpose. 010 Purpose. 3 Beds. 1. 010 Permitted uses. Civic, educational, recreational, religious uses, and select other uses, such as day care and urban agriculture , are also permitted that provide reasonable compatibility with adjoining. Blue Mountain Land. Chapter 18. 050 Development standards—Accessory buildings and accessory structures. title 18 zoning. 07. The following principles and rules are hereby adopted as a guide in the use and application of this code: 1. Address, Phone Number, Fax Number, and Hours for Pima County Zoning, a Building Department, at North Stone Avenue, Tucson AZ. FEMA Flood Zone: No; Gate Code: No;. 020(A)(2) (SR Suburban Ranch. 3 Acres For Only $99,900 Cash or $30,000 down and $1416/mo! Call or text now 520. 21. 41 RVC RURAL VILLAGE CENTER ZONE;. 18. SOLD MAY 25, 2023. 15. 020 Conditional uses. For example: 11711001B or 117-11-001B. 15. 25 CR-3 SINGLE RESIDENCE ZONE. 020 MU special uses. The powers of the board of supervisors, the planning and zoning commission, the several boards of adjustment, the zoning inspector and all other persons or agencies charged with the administration of this code shall be strictly limited. Pinal County, formed in February 1875, comprises 5,376 square miles. GR-1 : Rural Residence : IR : Institutional Reserve : MAR. Purpose. 040 Conditional uses. 2001 to 2002 Ahwahnee Award of Honora. ANIMAL CONTROL-BARKING DOGS-LAST AMENDED 01/15/2002. 41. 060 Mobile home subdivision option. 29. Get two 0. The application shall include: a. 43. 1. 51 CI-1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL/WAREHOUSING ZONE;. title 17 air quality control. 31. 84% interest. This district was especially needed in Tonto Basin because there were already plans at that timeAZGEO | . 010 Permitted uses. State:. - r-43 single residence zoning district; chapter 2. Zoning: Chapter 18. We use cookies to improve security, personalize the user experience, enhance our marketing activities (including cooperating with our marketing partners) and for other business use. 14. 13. § 18. 18. Pima County: Code of Ordinances. 3 Beds. 13105 East Placita Las Avenas, Tucson, AZ, 85749, Pima County. 18. 19 SH SUBURBAN HOMESTEAD ZONE. 010 Purpose. 93 acres • $79,000. Ordinances to be included in the next quarterly update. 18. SOLD MAY 3, 2023. Zoning: Chapter 18. Notice of the review committee hearing shall be mailed, at least fifteen days prior to the meeting, to owners of property within three hundred feet of the applicant's property line, except that notice shall be expanded to include owners of property within 1,000 feet if the existing zoning of the applicant's property is RH, SR, SR-2, GR-1 or CR-1. 19 SH SUBURBAN HOMESTEAD ZONE Chapter 18. 18. ZONING: Chapter 18. 18. . 070 Exceptions. Chapter 18. 18. 5G Small Wireless Facilities. Development Services contribute to our customers' success in building and maintaining safe and sustainable communities by providing helpful, timely and quality services. Planned Land Use Maps. Pima County, AZ Code of Ordinances: Disclaimer | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Contact Us | Feedback; Copyright © 2023 by eLaws. ). CR-5 MULTIPLE RESIDENCE ZONE. Pima County, AZ Code of Ordinances. 180-Day Extension for a Temporary Mobile Home. — Beds. 18. Chapter 18. 15. 38 acres • $2,950,000. § 18. 13220 W Rudasill Rd, Tucson, AZ 85743. 14. 17. Chapter 18. 21. 050 Development standards—Accessory buildings and accessory structures. 14. 18. 3 acres • $99,900. Ft. 230. 18. 14. 17 SR SUBURBAN RANCH ZONE* Chapter 18. 3495 E Golder Ranch Dr, Catalina, AZ 85739. Municipality: Tucson. 1. GR-1 : Rural Residence : IR : Institutional Reserve : MAR. 25. All rights reserved. 040 Development standards—Accessory buildings and accessory structures. 255. 18. 61. 18. 41. From the Pima County Zoning Code, 2018 ** 18. 055 Development standards—Manufactured home park. 010 Purpose. 14. 18. Development. Gr-1 Rural Residential Zone § 18. Chapter 18. )CR-1 (Click to read the document. You may return to this main page at any time. 1,000 Sq. 18. Sr Suburban Ranch Zone* § 18. Nearby homes similar to 3475 E Calle Agassiz have recently sold between $140K to $389K at an average of $170 per square foot. Signatures of the property owners of record or the authorized agent of the owner, c. 45. 18. C. The Planning and Zoning Commission mission is to hear and make recommendations on rezoning cases, amendments to the Pima County Zoning Ordinance, neighborhood plans, and other planning matters. Purpose. title 14 renewable energy incentive district (reid) title 15 buildings and construction. Marana Zoning A Small Lot Zone C Large Lot Zone VC Village Commercial LI Light Industrial E Transportation Corridor Zone D Designated Floodplain Zone R-6 Single Family Residential R-8 Single Family Residential R-36 Single Family Residential MIR-I Multi Family (High Density) F Specific Plan Pro ect A:ea o Pima Coun Marana ãClI NORTH NTS. 43. 30175008L. Zonecnty displays the established zoning of unincorporated areas of Pima County, as described by "Title 18 - Zoning", of the Pima County, Arizona Code of Ordinances. Pima County: Code of Ordinances: Title 18. ML MOUNT LEMMON ZONE: Chapter 18. 18. 37. Cluster development option ; Latest version. 18. Gr-1 Rural Residential Zone § 18.